del MANDALA: Dedicado al maestro: DHIRAVAMSA
En este mandala he reflejado, mediante unos dibujos sencillos lo
que yo entiendo como dualidad , camino del medio o el centro del universo.
MAR Y MONTAÑA: El mar nos conduce con solo mirarlo a una paz , amplitud,
lejanía, siempre buscando el horizonte, para llegar a él y volver a buscarlo.
La montaña, muchas veces nos esconde numerosa belleza, cuando llegamos a sus
prados, encontramos flores, árboles, pájaros, y innumerables especies que viven
en él, que nos pasan inadvertidos, pero no es hasta que llegamos a su cumbre,
que descubrimos lo pequeños que somos en la gran inmensidad de la tierra.
reflejado con estos dos símbolos (hoja de la dehesa de Girona e imagen del Buda
Thailandés de Wat Traimit (reflexión:
Que hay de material y espiritual en la hoja, y lo mismo en el Buda?.
distintas personas, una misma cosa, (por ej. este mandala, nos produce un
sentimiento positivo o negativo, e incluso una misma cosa a una persona, según
el día puede ser positivo o negativo.
MASCULINO Y FEMENINO: Si todos tenemos una
parte de nuestro interior con sentimientos masculinos y otra con femeninos,
porque esta lucha por ser iguales? Si en el fondo ya lo somos.
GRANDE Y PEQUEÑO: En este mandala, con
los símbolos que hay dibujados, queda de
manifiesto lo grande que puede ser una cosa y al mismo tiempo pequeñísima. El
sol y la luna en algunos lugares del mundo, al amanecer o al anochecer son muy grandes, y siguen siendo pequeños en
la inmensidad de la galaxia. Dependiendo de la distancia, una montaña puede ser
muy pequeña desde la lejanía y muy grande cuando nos acercamos o tenemos que
subirla. El mar es pequeño divisado desde una montaña y muy grande cuando
navegamos por él.
Este mandala es circular y al mismo
tiempo cuadrado.
Podría seguir......, pero el propósito o
objetivo que deduzco después de haber interpretado este mandala, es para que
todos reflexionemos sobre la necesidad de coger el camino del medio, para
llegar a lo más infinito, a lo más puro, porque suele ser el camino más corto y
a lo mejor el más o el menos doloroso.
Creo que con su sabiduría, respeto y confianza, está enseñando al mundo otro
arquetipo de espiritualidad. KHORP KHUN KHA. (Gràcias)
Al no tener la foto del mandala, he insertado una foto de un mandala natural EL SOL, fotografía hecha desde un crucero por el mediterráneo.
M.Àngels Cassany
Interpretation of MANDALA: Dedicated to the master: Dhiravamsa
In this mandala I reflected, by means of simple drawings that I understand how duality middle path or the center of the universe.
NIGHT AND DAY: Symbolized by the moon and sun.
DARKNESS AND CLARITY: The dark (the sun) with its glow, often blinds us ..... due to its large amount of light. The clarity (the moon), is the reflection of light when we look at the starry sky at night. In the darkness you will always find a light.
MOUNTAIN AND SEA: The sea just by looking leads to peace, space, distance, the horizon always looking to get back to him and find him. The mountain, we often hides numerous beauty, when we reached the meadows, we find flowers, trees, birds, and countless species living in it, we go unnoticed, but not until we reached the summit, we discovered how small we are in the great vastness of the land.
MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL has been reflected in these two symbols (leaf meadow of Girona and Buddha image of Wat Thailandés Traimit (reflection: What's material and spiritual in the leaf, and so the Buddha?.
POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE: Many times different people, the same thing (eg. This mandala, produces a positive or negative feeling, and even the same thing to one person, depending on the day can be positive or negative.
MALE AND FEMALE: If we all have a part of our inner feelings with male and female other, because this struggle to be equal? If deep down we already are.
LARGE AND SMALL: In this mandala, with the symbols that is drawn, it is clear how big can be a thing while tiny. The sun and the moon in some parts of the world, at dawn or dusk are very large, and remain small in the vastness of the galaxy. Depending on the distance, a mountain can be very small from a distance and very large as we approach or we have to raise. The sea is seen from a mountain small and very large when we surf it.
This mandala is circular and square at the same time.
I could go on ...... but the purpose or goal I gather after having interpreted the mandala, is for everyone to reflect on the need to take the middle path to get to the infinite, the purest, because usually the shortest and perhaps the more or less painful.
I think with wisdom, respect and trust, is teaching the world another archetype of spirituality. KHUN KHORP KHA. (Thank you)
Not having a photo of the mandala, I have inserted a picture of a mandala naturally SUN, photograph taken from a cruise in the Mediterranean.
Interpretation of MANDALA: Dedicated to the master: Dhiravamsa
In this mandala I reflected, by means of simple drawings that I understand how duality middle path or the center of the universe.
NIGHT AND DAY: Symbolized by the moon and sun.
DARKNESS AND CLARITY: The dark (the sun) with its glow, often blinds us ..... due to its large amount of light. The clarity (the moon), is the reflection of light when we look at the starry sky at night. In the darkness you will always find a light.
MOUNTAIN AND SEA: The sea just by looking leads to peace, space, distance, the horizon always looking to get back to him and find him. The mountain, we often hides numerous beauty, when we reached the meadows, we find flowers, trees, birds, and countless species living in it, we go unnoticed, but not until we reached the summit, we discovered how small we are in the great vastness of the land.
MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL has been reflected in these two symbols (leaf meadow of Girona and Buddha image of Wat Thailandés Traimit (reflection: What's material and spiritual in the leaf, and so the Buddha?.
POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE: Many times different people, the same thing (eg. This mandala, produces a positive or negative feeling, and even the same thing to one person, depending on the day can be positive or negative.
MALE AND FEMALE: If we all have a part of our inner feelings with male and female other, because this struggle to be equal? If deep down we already are.
LARGE AND SMALL: In this mandala, with the symbols that is drawn, it is clear how big can be a thing while tiny. The sun and the moon in some parts of the world, at dawn or dusk are very large, and remain small in the vastness of the galaxy. Depending on the distance, a mountain can be very small from a distance and very large as we approach or we have to raise. The sea is seen from a mountain small and very large when we surf it.
This mandala is circular and square at the same time.
I could go on ...... but the purpose or goal I gather after having interpreted the mandala, is for everyone to reflect on the need to take the middle path to get to the infinite, the purest, because usually the shortest and perhaps the more or less painful.
I think with wisdom, respect and trust, is teaching the world another archetype of spirituality. KHUN KHORP KHA. (Thank you)
Not having a photo of the mandala, I have inserted a picture of a mandala naturally SUN, photograph taken from a cruise in the Mediterranean.
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